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Our trips are rewarding, meaningful and help real people. Don't take our word for it, read these testimonials from participants.

Aaron's Experience

I would like to thank Time and Talents for Children for the opportunity to participate in the trip of a lifetime.  At first, I thought the chance to help provide dental care to children in Guatemala would involve a huge sacrifice.

I was wrong!  

The natural beauty of Guatemala, the camaraderie of our team, and the joy of the children we assisted were gifts far greater than I imagined.  I had a fantastic experience, and I look forward to volunteering again in the future! 

Brenda’s Story

Brenda was patiently waiting for her dental care when she asked me to review her ABC’s with her. Her English ABC’s. We went over several letters and their sounds when she decided to tell me the letters and sounds in her native Mayan language and in Spanish.

Much to my surprise after this little demonstration of her skills with language she then proceed to read to me in English the book “The Cat in the Hat.” Her pronunciation was excellent, she understood the story and was enjoying it.
While she did tell me that she attended a private school which in Guatemala is far superior to a public school, her skills and abilities for someone her age were far superior to other students of private schools.

We read and we talked as best we could, we looked at her drawings for a thank you note and just basically enjoyed each other.

What a marvelous young girl! I am so disappointed that I am not able to support her education. If I was to support the education of each child that shows promise, I would soon be broke and unable to retire.


For never having been to dentists, not knowing what to expect, and the unknown in general of what they were having done, they were pretty brave in general. They've never experienced anesthetic before and I never even thought of how that would feel to them. All we did for them was totally out of their realm, we take it all for granted.

I feel like I am so "rich" with all the things I have and just take for granted, compared to the lifestyles the people there live. If I never go on another trip I will always be grateful for this one and the chance to help those who truly have so very little.

Contact Us

There are a variety of ways to contribute. Please contact Time and Talents for Children today on ways you can get involved or for more information. 


262 365 8278


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N29 W6409 Lincoln Blvd. Cedarburg, WI 53012