Interested in volunteering?
Should you volunteer?
-Do you feel that what you do on a daily basis is enough or that it is appreciated?
-Have you recently had an adventure that was more then you could have hoped for and changed how you see the world?
Our Promises if you volunteer
-We promise that your daily skills with have an outlet that you may never have considered before, we will help you discover something new about yourself.
-We promise that you will be working with some of the nicest people you will ever meet.
-We promise that if you give yourself to the experience you will get back more than you could have imagined.
how can we promise these things?
We can promise these things because we have been there, experienced it, and continue to be amazed and rewarded on each and every trip with new friends, new experiences and the joy of helping a child.
We cannot describe the feeling that one gets when helping people and especially if making a major change in their lives. It can best be explained in the following quote by our good friend, Dick, he and his wife fostered an infant from the Philippines so that the child could have lifesaving heart surgery.
"If I would have the choice of two months on a tropical island with white beaches, warm breezes and wonderful companions or, two months with a 7 pound, malnourished, 5 month old infant who was in congestive heart failure requiring 2 hour feedings and immediate open heart surgery, I would choose the latter."

Who travels with us?
Careers of people that have traveled with us
Police Officers
Admin Assistants
Dental Assistants
Work at Home Moms
Painters / Paper Hangers
Piano Tuners
Office Managers
Medical Doctors
Marketing Managers
Computer Programers
Maintenance Engineers
Customer Service Representatives
Criteria and Planning
Our trips are meant to provide pain relief and in many cases that means pulling teeth we do some amalgam and composite fillings when we have the time and resources. The dentists do not do any work that requires follow up care as the teams are only in country for one week and the patient does not have the resources to follow up with a local dentist.
The work space is often a basic room. Dentists and the rest of the team create the clinic using school rooms, meeting rooms, gyms or donated medical clinic space, or hospitals. Whatever the in country contact is able to secure for free. We bring a portable unit, all the instruments, lawn chairs for dental chairs, plastic boxes for the disinfection. In some cases, we need to rent a generator due to lack of electricity or frequent outages.
We need to have safe food handling practices followed by the people that supply our meals as the water in Third World countries is not potable. We enjoy being able to sample the local cuisine. Lunch is generally brought to the site and breakfast is at the hotel. Dinner is the time for the teams to explore the community and find a restaurant that they enjoy.
Regardless how much planning and forethought that goes into a mission trip there are always things that come up unexpectedly that must be dealt with, flat tires on our van, forgetting to bring something, equipment failure, power outages and accidents and illness amongst the team members. The team needs to be able to think on the run and not be stumped by the unexpected.
One year they built and delivered sleeping platforms to keep people off the dirt floors of the recipients’ home. Our 2017 project sourced a play ground including swing set, slide and money bars. The team built a climbing wall with a cargo net on the opposite side while in country.
Contact Us
There are a variety of ways to contribute. Please contact Time and Talents for Children today on ways you can get involved or for more information.
262 365 8278